Unglaublich leckere Zucchini! Kein Fleisch!πŸ”2 schnelle und einfache Zucchini Rezepte # 196

2023-03-21 26,070 0 3,156,096 YouTube

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Incredibly delicious zucchini! No meat! 2 quick and easy zucchini recipes. These 2 ways to cook zucchini are so quick and delicious that you can cook them at least every day. Cheap and fast, without meat, well, very tasty zucchini! Recipe #1 500 grams of courgettes 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 cloves of garlic Salt pepper 1 tablespoon of peppers 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon sesame dill Recipe #2 I make these zucchini every weekend. Easy dinner recipe in 10 minutes. Medium zucchini Grate on a large grater Salt well 1 teaspoon of sugar Dice the tomato Squeeze the juice well 2 eggs Salt pepper 1 teaspoon of paprika 1 cup flour oil for frying Fry for 5 minutes on each side Bon appetit!πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ Friends, if you liked the recipe, share this video with your friends on social networks.πŸ“’ Rate the video! That's nice and important for the development of the channel!πŸ‘ WRITE A COMMENT or put a smiley face. I will really appreciate your support!! Subscribe to many recipes https://www.youtube.com/@vieleRezepte/featured Already follow ??? β–Άβ–Ά Turn on the ringtone πŸ”” You will receive new video notifications !! I hope you enjoyed the asmr sounds. Write me about it!
