Power Against Evil (+Doctor Robin Harfouche)

2024-08-12 423 0 21,733 YouTube

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In the midst of a world full of great need, Christ called ordinary people into an extra-ordinary mission. He chose the unlikely to do the extraordinary. Today, Christ Jesus is calling you. Will you say YES? Join us at VICTORY, August 25 - September 1: https://GlobalRevival.com/VICTORY #christianharfouche #robinharfouche #christieharfouche #johnharfouche #apostolicglobalchurch #pensacola #church —— Stay Connected Website: https://globalrevival.com Doctor Robin Harfouche: https://www.facebook.com/DrRobinHarfouche https://instagram.com/robineharfouche https://twitter.com/rharfouche
