Watch out for Marlene dela Peña, a Filipino jazz singer known for her success in Japan, where she relocated in 1978. Her music career spans decades, beginning with her debut in 1979. Marlene has released over 30 albums, focusing primarily on jazz and fusion, and is regarded as one of the highest-paid Filipino jazz artists in Japan. __________________________________________ Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to not miss any of our exclusive interviews with your favorite #Filipino #celebrities. New episodes premiere every Friday at 12nn (Philippine time). Let us know who you want to see next on #TicTALKwithAsterAmoyo in the comment section below. Enjoy watching! __________________________________________ Follow my other YouTube channel, #AsterAmoyo ( @Aster Amoyo ) for an exclusive VIP access in the Philippine entertainment world. _________________________________________ Follow me on my other social media accounts: ▪ Facebook: ▪ Facebook: ▪ Twitter: ▪ Instagram: ▪ TikTok: