Multi Sub【遮天】| Shrouding The Heavens | EP 64

2024-07-02 8,104 0 207,347 YouTube

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This animation is adapted from the first part of the Zhetian trilogy by the platinum author Chendong Zhetian - Zhetian. In the cosmic depths where coldness and darkness coexist, nine dragon corpses pull an ancient bronze coffin, which exists from ancient times. This is an extremely shocking picture captured by space probes in the desolate universe. Did Kowloon pull the coffin back to ancient times, or came to the other side of the starry sky? A vast fairy world, grotesque, mysterious and endless. Blood is boiling like a volcano, passion is raging like a vast sea, desire is endless like an abyss... Ascending the road to heaven, stepping on the song. Become a member of this channel to enjoy the following benefits:
