Ep. 223 | The Iconic .223

2022-02-21 2,321 0 137,989 YouTube

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In honor of episode 223, we honor the .223, with a full-length cartridge talk. From nearly every conflict since Vietnam, to law enforcement, home defense, competition, prairie dog towns of the west, plinkers, coyote callers, a little big game, and countless other applications, this historic cartridge stands the test of time…Doing serious work along the way. Tune in to listen to Ryan M. talk all about it. As always, we want to hear your feedback! Let us know if there are any topics you'd like covered on the Vortex Nation™ podcast by asking us on any one of our social media platforms and using #VortexNationPodcast. Follow Vortex Nation Podcast on Instagram: www.instagram.com/vortexnationpodcast
