Loosening up, and trying new things on my larger Gelli Plate! ( Gelli Plate journey #15)

2024-11-06 29 0 684 YouTube

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#gelliplate #gelliprinting #loosenup Hahha I have no idea what to name this video! Actually thought of not posting it, because it was so crazy! BUT that’s art! It’s messy and scary and sometimes just crazy, but that’s how you learn and become looser! Here I share some of the papers I found in charity shops, and tried out my new A4 Gelli Plate. I picked up lots of stuff on the beach gestrand decided to use it to create some sea prints. Hahha DO NOT USE sharp tho my s on your Gelli Plate! After pressing hard on some of the reeds I picked up, my plate now have some cuts. BUT no problem, I can always melt it later, and I do not care if it’s a little ‘broken’, it just give more texture! ‘Become free like a child again’, and learn to go with the flow of what’s happening, is what I am learning through this Gell Plate journey. There are no mistakes, only stepping stones!
