How Analogue Colour Televisions Works: the Coding and Decoding Process

2022-12-01 0 0 7,507 YouTube

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Pye History Trust presents the third part in its video series: “How Analogue Television Works”. Part 1 ( explained monochrome (black & white) television broadcast and receiver technology. Part 2 ( explained how the eye perceives colour; how colour cameras work and how the television receiver displays the original picture. In this Part 3: a simplified explanation of how the colour signal is encoded onto the video signal by the camera and how the television receiver decodes this signal. Like this video? Support the Museum of Technology Donate: Volunteer: Audience - Students: physics, optics - Electronics engineers - Broadcast enthusiasts Contents: 0 -1 min: Introduction to the Pye Story at Cambridge Museum of Technology 1 - 2 mins: introduction to colour television 2 - 3 mins Luminance 3 - 12 mins: National Television System Committee (NTSC) system, developed in the USA 13 -20 mins Phase Alternating Line (PAL) system, developed in Europe Published under Creative Commons Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) The Pye Story ( permanent exhibition at Cambridge Museum of Technology ( displays examples of analogue television broadcast and receiver equipment produced by Pye during the 20th century. Video produced by R N Bates and R Ellis for The Pye History Trust, 2022. Plan your visit to the Museum: Follow: Facebook: Instagram | Threads: Twitter: #electronics #broadcast #television
