UNBELIEVABLE! Bashar No Future, Only Now | PREDICTION - [2008 RECORDING] Channeled By Darryl Anka

2024-06-30 238 0 2,727 YouTube

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In this mind-blowing message channeled by Darryl Anka, Bashar shares profound insights about the concept of time and reality. According to Bashar, there is no future, only the present moment. Join us in this enlightening discussion as we delve into the idea that all possibilities exist in the now and how embracing this perspective can transform the way we experience life. Get ready to expand your understanding of time and existence with this captivating message from Bashar. Stay tuned for a thought-provoking journey into the nature of reality! For more inspiring messages and channeled wisdom, don't miss this enlightening video. Remember, the time is always now. Source: Take Action (2008-10-12)
