STR/FAITH build, the fisher invader bait - Elden ring PVP

2024-09-01 10 0 249 YouTube

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Hi everyone, this video took a while to make fresh out of my vacations, my fish were rusty, but, that build doesn't care about that because quickstep backstabs are just so easy to learn and perform ! The main idea of the build in itself, is to leverage the fact that the sword of damnation also gets buffed by the dagger talisman. Out of a backstab, the swap is very tight, but if you get it, it is basically death (duh honestly you could make a gs of damnation only build and get better results, but that's boring) I went with the fire knight greatsword as my quickstep weapon because I also wanted to add in another backstab tech on the grill, but honestly I'm not consistent at that tech yet, so that will have to wait for another video :) I also tried to add in soem of the backstabs I kow how to perform (the rollcatch bs, the roll bs, the roll in bs...), I hope you enjoy the video, take care everyone ! Soundtrack : The Unsung War - Ace Combat 5 - Epic Metal Cover
