ImpactSWOT Deep Dive in Do No Harm - Investible Impact Innovations, free course

2024-09-11 12 0 1,693 YouTube

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A #FREE 5 part course of 5 x Full Hour, 5 Fast Tracks & 30 Impact Innovation Techniques & Tools Shorts Understanding Impact : #Effectivity Optimizing Impact: #CostEfficiency Impact MOAT: #UNGlobalGoals Contribution The #ImpactBusinessModel Boosting Impact Going to Market Your #ImpactPitchDeck: Impact Funder Types, Risks & Metrics IMPACT SCALING: Tailored Worskhops & Sprints by Minou Schillings FEEDBACK: Investible Impact Innovation Ideas (after completing the 5 Feedback Forms) CONTACT me here or @linkedin Alcanne Houtzaager
