Detoxification, Protein, Medication, and Peptide Use During Weight Loss | Dr. Jones DC

2024-07-02 0 0 50 YouTube

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▶ Get your FREE GUIDE here: In this video, Dr. Jones, DC discusses how when losing body fat, toxins that are stored in fat cells are released. Learn how to detoxify your body during a fat-loss phase and explore how protein intake and peptide usage can really improve your results! IMPORTANT LINKS: ▶ Join our FREE Facebook group here: Please join our Free FB group In this group, Dr. Jones provides invaluable health coaching to help you with your sustainable weight loss goals. You get to request desired topics and everything is fully recorded into the group! Hello! I'm Dr. Dean Jones, DC, the pioneer behind the revolutionary FLOA™ fasting protocol. At Colorado Medical Solutions, we embrace a functional health approach that empowers you to reclaim your health without breaking the bank. My personal transformation from an overweight teen to a health expert fuels my passion for helping others achieve sustainable weight control. Join me on this journey to rise above the constraints of traditional healthcare and discover the power of lifestyle changes. Are you ready to rewrite your weight story? With my firsthand experience and the transformative FLOA™ protocol, weight loss becomes a joyful journey, not a fleeting fantasy. Forget about the scale and focus on how you feel. Let's embark on this path together and make every day count towards a healthier, happier you. Subscribe and let's unlock your body's potential for lifelong wellness. ▶ Get your FREE GUIDE here: FIND US BELOW: ▶WEBSITE ▶INSTAGRAM ▶FACEBOOK ▶TIKTOK Colorado Medical Solutions FLOA Webinars Full Playlist: #glp1forweightloss #weightloss #peptides
