Buying fruits and toys for young orphan children and strengthening their morale after the death of t

2024-06-20 152 0 13,847 YouTube

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"Due to the death of the mother, an event that takes young orphaned children to a dark and full of sadness, serving these children requires special attention and support. Buying fruits and toys is one of the ways that can strengthen the spirit of these children. and help them to overcome the psychological damage caused by this difficult event. By providing fresh and delicious fruits, children benefit more from healthy nutrition and with a feeling of happiness and vitality, they find the mental strength necessary for progress. But toys also play an important role in developing the culture and imagination of these children1. #Orphans 2. Buy fruit 3. #buying_toys 4. #positive_spirit 5. #love 6. #Condolence 7. #Buying a gift 8. #children_in_need 9. #Orphans 10. #Empathy 11. #Hope 12. #Compassion 13. #mother 14. #support 15. #social_welfare 16. #Spiritual_growth 17. #place_of_support 18. #love_for_children 19. #Hope 20. #Providing_pleasure 21. #Establishment_of_human_emotion 22. #Peace_Promotion 23. #Company 24. #social_support 25. #Entertainment
