Twenty Commercial C64 Music Editing Programs

2024-09-15 29 0 272 YouTube

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This video shows demo songs from 20 commercial Commodore 64 (non-tracker) music editing programs; programs that allow you to create and save your own music. #01 @00:00 Music Maker, Commodore, 1982 #02 @00:28 Background Music Editor, Gary Davis, 1983 #03 @01:12 Kawasaki Synthesizer Composer, Sight & Sound, 1983 #04 @03:36 Micromaestro, Chalk Board Inc., 1983 #05 @03:52 Music Construction Set, Electronic Arts, 1983 #06 @04:49 MusiCalc, Waveform Corporation, 1983 #07 @05:09 Songwriter, Learningways, Inc., 1983 #08 @09:06 Bravo! Magic Music Series Level 1, HesWare, 1984 #09 @09:42 Music Processor, Sight & Sound, 1984 #10 @11:15 The Music Shop, Br0derbund, 1984 #11 @12:23 Super Music Box, Personal Peripherals, Inc., 1984 #12 @14:11 Bank Street Music Writer, Mindscape, 1985 #13 @15:20 Gary Kitchen’s GameMaker, Activision, 1985 #14 @16:42 MacMusic, Passport Designs, Inc., 1985 #15 @20:18 Make Music with Mistertronic, Mastertronic, 1985 #16 @20:51 Music Painter, Carousel Software, 1985 #17 @22:16 The Music Studio, Activision, 1985 #18 @23:55 The Music System, Firebird, 1985 #19 @25:21 Instant Music, Electronic Arts, 1987 #20 @25:52 Euphony, Precision Peripherals & Software, 1987 If you're interested in trackers, here's a great survey of what's available for the C64:
