Accessing the Unused Human Capacity in Your Organization, with Bob Borcherdt

2024-07-04 0 0 8 YouTube

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In this HCI Webinar, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Bob Borcherdt about accessing the unused human capacity in your organization. BOB BORCHERDT (pronounced like Orchard with a B; is a visionary through and through. He has been a leader, strategist, and business owner for over 35 years. His deep passion for people and leadership is what led him in 2011 to start IN2GREAT, a leadership consulting company. Bob founded IN2GREAT with the intent to help businesses grow by building better leaders. Since then, the firm has grown to include powerful human analytics and a team that specializes in implementing leadership development systems. Bob believes when leaders are empowered and equipped to create cultures of clarity, the people around them are engaged, developed and fulfilled. To many of IN2GREAT’s clients, Bob is a trusted advisor. He has worked with CEOs of large companies to head coaches of professional sports teams to small business owners and leaders at all levels in organizations. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Toledo and is the co-author of the book Leading to the One: Creating Cultures of Clarity Where People Are Engaged, Developed and Fulfilled. Bob currently serves as CEO of IN2GREAT. Bob is also the creator of the Clarity Based Leadership System and co-founder of The L-21 Group, which he launched in 2023 with Nicki McLeod, the co-author of Leading to the One and President of IN2GREAT. Based on The Clarity ModelTM from their first book, this new system focuses on achieving Clarity in organizations, among leaders, with teams, and in meetings to help generate greater employee engagement and better business results. Their future plans include licensing their systems to other consulting firms. In 2024, Bob and Nicki launched The Restoring Leadership Initiative, which is focused on restoring leadership not to what it was, but to what it should be. As part of this initiative, they will be providing free content to their tribe of followers. Bob has been married to his wife Judy for 38 years, and together they have four sons, four daughters-in-law, and twelve grandchildren. Bob and Judy live in East Tennessee between Johnson City, TN and Asheville, NC.
