MyMusic Extended Trailer

2012-04-05 6,172 0 295,936 YouTube

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Subscribe to the MyMusic Experience: Thanks for the LIKE/FAV - Don't Just Watch...Engage! Facebook: Twitter: SEND US STUFF: MyMusic P.O. BOX 4324 Valley Village, CA 91617-4324 This trailer features songs by Driftless Pony Club! Check out their latest music video! MyMusic is not just a documentary about the web's #1 social media music company, but also an experience with live shows, music news and more! 4 NEW SHOWS EVERY WEEK FOR ALL THE REST OF 2012 AND BEYOND! Sundays - MyMusic: The Series - A weekly sitcom showing the behind the scenes of the MyMusic company Mondays - MyMusic LIVE - One hour variety show with bands, comedians, and the staff of MyMusic Wednesdays - MyMusic NEWS - A first of its kind custom playlist experience to get the latest in the music biz! Fridays - The Mosh - Ask questions and get to know the staff of MyMusic Created by Benny & Rafi Fine Fine Brothers Productions TAGS: MyMusic, MyMusicShow, My Music, MyMusic Trailer, My Music Trailer, official trailer, trailer, official, thefinebros, fine, brothers,
