Real Time Text - Accessibility Settings on Echo Show - with audio description

2020-07-27 28 0 2,950 YouTube

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Make video calls with Alexa without using speech. Real Time Text (RTT) is a feature that adds a live, real-time chat feed during Alexa calls and Drop Ins, on your Amazon Echo Show device to make communication easier. Learn how to use Real Time Text, including turning on the RTT feature in settings on Echo Show, and making calls with RTT: Alexa's Real-Time Texting feature makes it easier for customers with speech impairments, or for customers who are deaf or hard of hearing, to communicate with their contacts by typing during a call. When RTT is on, a keyboard pops up on the Echo Show screen, allowing customers to type text which appears in real time on both parties' screens. Customers can also use a Bluetooth-connected keyboard. Real Time Text is available on all Echo devices with a screen. Learn more about Alexa accessibility and assistive technology features: #RTT #AssistiveDevice #AccessibilitySettings #AssistiveTechnology #Accessibility #RealTimeText #RttCall #AccessibilityFeatures #Alexa Explore assistive devices like the Amazon Echo Show: Have you had a great experience with RTT, or other accessibility settings and features on Alexa? Let us know in the comments below. Alexa Accessibility - Alexa for Everyone Alexa's accessibility features can help make life a little easier. You can use Alexa to set reminders, stay in touch with friends and family, get product information, create a shopping list, or for help in the kitchen. Alexa has accessibility settings and features to help with hearing, mobility, speech, and vision disabilities. Alexa can help with everyday activities to help you be more productive, stay entertained, and better connected with the people you care about most. This video includes an audio description.   Transcript - The video starts with the Alexa logo over a close-up of hands cutting and painting pieces of paper at a coffee table. An Echo Show can be seen in the background. Soft ambient music starts. Words appear on the screen: “Real Time Text.” The camera pans out: we see a couple sitting on a couch in a living room working on an art project. He paints, she cuts paper. The coffee table is covered with art supplies: pictures, paint jars, brushes. The woman, Sandra, looks at the Echo Show and signs to the man, Julian, “I’m supposed to call someone right now.” She reaches over to the Echo Show and taps “Call” on the screen. She scrolls down and selects a recent contact. She sits back and waits for the call to connect. A woman, Elizabeth, appears on the screen. A keyboard also appears below their videos. Both women enthusiastically wave to each other, mouthing “Hi.” Julian waves as well, smiling. Elizabeth’s typed words appear below her video next to her initials, “EM.” EM: “Is that Julian????” Sandra: “yupppp.” We can see Julian leaning into the video frame, smiling and waving. He sits back. EM: “He’s cute!” with a big smile. Sandra: “I know,” laughing. Julian taps on the Sandra’s arm and signs, “I’m going to let you two talk. I’m going to go do some things, OK?” Sandra, smiling, signs “Fine” and squeezes his arm. Julian waves goodbye to Elizabeth, and gets up from the couch. Elizabeth mouths “bye” and waves. Sandra signs to Julian: “You’re leaving, I see how it is…” Sandra turns her attention back to the video call, smirking, nodding. She starts typing again. The video cuts to a dark background with words appearing as if they are typed in real time: “Learn more about Reel (misspelled with two e’s, corrected and retyped correctly), Real Time Text at” The Amazon logo appears. The music peters out. The video ends." Additional Resources: Top 10 Alexa Picks: Alexa Skills & Features: Subscribe to this channel: Shop Amazon Echo & Alexa Devices:
