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2020-10-29 14 0 451 YouTube

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# How to start your own #rstats group: Building an inclusive and fun R community - speakers: Kyla McConnell & Julia Müller - - - webinars - donate - join Why R? Slack - join Meetup - format: 45 min talk + 15 min for Q&A - comments: ask YouTube live chat Abstract: Ever thought about starting your own R-stats group, whether for learning statistical modeling methods, chatting about the latest resource book or motivating each other through tough debugging sessions? Creating your own R community can be rewarding, not to mention fun! In this talk, we will share our experiences of founding an R-stats group in our local university community as well as taking leadership roles in our R-Ladies chapter. Throughout, we will share our stories and tips of how to foster a group that is inclusive and accessible, create effective resources and share them on online platforms, teach (and even live code) with confidence, and create an atmosphere that is fun and supportive. At the end of this talk, we hope you will have a better idea of how to get involved in your local community and be inspired to start your own #rstats group! Bio: Kyla McConnell and Julia Müller are Ph.D. students at the University of Freiburg, where they conduct quantitative psycholinguistic research. It was in this context that they founded the 'Statistics study group for linguists’, a group of postgraduate students and ECRs who gather to learn fundamental and cutting-edge topics in statistics. Additionally, they are heavily involved with R-Ladies Freiburg and regularly host workshops for the group. They are both passionate about statistical education, particularly for women and underrepresented groups, and outspoken tidyverse fans.
