In this LIVE story session, Swami Purnachaitanya in his beautiful style narrates the fascinating story of how King Parikshit was taught the best and surest way of attaining liberation by the great sage Shukadeva, after learning that he had only one week left to live. It is a profound story full of wisdom. Swami Purnachaitanya is a disciple of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and is originally from The Netherlands. He is an expert on Yoga, Meditation, Mantras, Ayurveda and Vedic Wisdom. He is a Senior Faculty and Director of Programs of The Art of Living. Subscribe to Swami Purnachaitanya's YouTube Channel Here: Official Website Official Social Profiles of Swami Purnachaitanya (To connect with Swamiji and get regular updates, please follow on the following social media:) Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Quora: