Eco Friendly Plantable Ganesha -

2020-07-30 3,979 0 1,350,329 YouTube

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Eco-friendly Ganpati and social distancing In light of the above facts, it is important that we bring Eco-Friendly Ganpati not just this year, but every year henceforth. The immersion of non-Eco-friendly idols has been a big concern to the environment and water bodies. The idols remain there undissolved and create a big problem. The colors used for decoration contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals. All this is not good for the environment. The solution to this issue is making eco-friendly idols that can be immersed in the home or society or locality in medium-sized water tanks. Since these idols get dissolved completely and they are made from clay and natural colors, it can be used in gardens and farms.
