Is Face-Down Positioning Still Needed for Macular Hole Repair?

2023-04-06 301 0 32,607 YouTube

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Vitreoretinal surgeon Dr. Ray Iezzi joins the podcast today to chat about macular hole repair, and the guidelines for face-down positioning. While many patients are told they need to remain face down post-macular hole repair, outcomes without positioning are still promising. Dr. Iezzi takes us through the nuances of hole repair and how to counsel patients undergoing this surgery. How to listen:  Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to the podcast:  Search: Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology on any of your favorite streaming applications (Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Amazon Music)  Follow and reach out to us on Twitter: @mayocliniceye
