Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor is a Badass - Series 5 and 6, my selection (SPOILERS!)

2012-08-23 77,284 0 7,793,488 YouTube

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MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SERIES 5 AND 6 AHEAD. You have been warned. I just watched this video: and really liked the idea but my personal selection of best scenes is somewhat different, so I edited this one. Some scenes are best described as _about the Doctor_ instead of _with the Doctor_, but they are cool anyway. This clip will be outdated in a few days since there is something epic coming for the first episode of Series 7 (01/september) -- If you watched the trailer, you understood. Good waiting :) All clips are copyrighted and owned by BBC; This is a fan-remix and no copyright violation is intended. Fair user rationale: no commercial use, no monetary revenue for the (remix) author, no negative effect on the copyright owner revenue (these are edited scenes only, people still needing to watch the series to understand the video), less than 1,5% of the total series 5 and 6 air time is used here.
