Ultra Instinct Vegeta Vs Mecha Sonic SMBZ

2024-08-24 10 0 194 YouTube

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Proverbs 16:18: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Can Vegeta Take out Mecha Sonic or will he become another victim of the metal menace The end is a teaser sort of if this video gets to 100k views then ill consider making a part 2 to this series #dragonball #dbz #vegeta #sonic #sonicandknuckles #mechasonic #spriteanimation #animation This Animation Is Vegeta From after his fight with granolla in the granolla saga unlocks ultra instinct instead of ego and he finds Mecha Sonic And fights him when Threatened to hand over the chaos emerald he has can b=vegeta take down this mecha menace or will this be the princes last fight
