Watt Barriers: balancing social equality Part 1 | Plug Life Television episode 25

2020-06-13 179 0 2,025 YouTube

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So far on the Watt Barriers series, we've balance the UK grid and the global supply of raw materials to prove that switching every car over to electric propulsion is entirely possible. However, will they be affordable to everyone? Not everyone buys a brand new car, not everyone owns a car, and not everyone drives. So, will an all-electric society be affordable and accessible to all? This is what we'll look at today. ---------- Eco Cars: https://eco-cars.net - tell them Plug Life Television sent you ;) Website: https://www.pluglifetelevision.co.uk Shop: https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/plug-life-television Watch Plug Life Racing the EV Tubers' Championship livestreams: https://pluginracing.com Music by 27B https://archive27b.bandcamp.com/album/collected-tracks-2011-2013
