Financial Collapse - If Deutsche Bank Fails It Will Collapse The Global Economy!

2019-07-02 1,393 0 70,376 YouTube

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Deutsche Bank has been in the news and even some of the MSM channels have been giving some airplay covering it's woes. But as I cover here, the Banks' drastic stock price fall exposes many other problems that are 'lurking' there. However, I have covered a topic that is so toxic and complex that most analysts won't give you the heads up. You see, it's not just if Deutsche Bank goes down, it's 'any' bank with large derivative exposures. It is that Deutsche Bank, being in such a weakened state, grabs the limelight. If the bank goes down, as in the video, it will cause global banking contagion with much worse outcomes than the 2008 crash. Since Deutsche is such a major derivatives player and has such a big book of open positions; if a major player (it doesn't even have to be Deutsche Bank) defaults in a CCP then the collateral calls on notional amounts as the default(s) are auctioned will freeze and topple the whole system!
