1933: Duck Soup - How Satire Works

2017-09-28 2,139 0 69,482 YouTube

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Thanks for watching One Hundred Years Of Cinema, You can support me on Patreon here: www.patreon.com/onehundredyearsofcinema or follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/100yearscinema Satire is one of the most popular forms of modern entertainment, from news shows, to comedies to science fiction epics. it is one of the most effective ways of getting an audience to reflect on the world around them. But What is satire and how does it work? The Marx Brothers were some of the most famous film comedians from the early talkies, they are known for their slap stick, quick-witted word play and most of all their satire. Duck Soup is one of their most political and satirical films. Thanks for watching One Hundred Years of Cinema, I will be writing a video essay about at least one film each year from 1915 onward to track the evolution of film over the last century. Please subscribe and share! Thank you! Links: Malcome Gladwell podcast - revisionisthistory.com/episodes/10-the-satire-paradox Lindsey Ellis - Mel Brooks, The Producers and the Ethics of Satire www.youtube.com/watch?v=62cPPSyoQkE The Marx Brothers as Social Critics - http://amzn.to/2jArbRY Buy The DVD: http://amzn.to/2nizc2O
