never eat wheat

2018-10-10 95 0 1,872 YouTube

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This is a brief video about why you should stop eating wheat. Wheat is a highly allergic food; that can cause gastro-esophageal upset and is associated with several types of autoimmune conditions that include, celiac disease, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, as well as allergic dermatitis and eczema To Order Einkorn Wheat Einkorn Wheat Flour On Amazon Dr. Whimsy Anderson, ND Dr. Whimsy Anderson, ND on Facebook Send Me A Letter Dr. Whimsy Anderson, ND 8281 Melrose Ave. suite 201 West Hollywood, CA. 90046 naturopathic medicine holistic medicine acupressure exhaustion adrenal fatigue anemia insomnia chronic fatigue stress cortisol Dieting Weight Loss how to lose weight Plant-based diet gluten allergy wheat belly grain-free diet
