Spoken Word - Patriot John Wayne Spoke Words on Liberals

2012-02-10 571 0 52,081 YouTube

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In John Wayne's own spoken word, he talks about how he thought he was a Liberal until he realized that he was really a conservative. He explains how he always made an attempt to listen to everyone and then decide how he felt about something and that Liberals tell you how you think. We put this video together to help raise the awareness of what it means to be a conservative and to give an example of what a true Patriot is about. We feel it is time for all Americans to take a long look into what is going on in our country today! This is Our Country and it would seem our elected officials are but puppets to all the extreme views of those that would like to change Our Country. Stand Up and Be Counted! Vote for Real Patriotic Americans! Patriot Spoken Word Our Channel can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/user/PatriotSpokenWord/featured Watch the video on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko-gP0tpqCM&context=C3df3c4cADOEgsToPDskJnQTZ3m3fhbxVXviZKKy83
