My Top 100+ Anime Ending Songs of 2016

2024-04-23 13 0 438 YouTube

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usually my cutoff limit of a yearly list video should be 100, but I had 114 7+ (which is very rare for my scoring standards lmao) so I decided to include the leftovers anyway. A shame all my 6~6.5s didn't make the list though Stacked year, probably my favorite quantity-wise. From here I may eventually upload a random year, whether it's a year from the 2000s or remake one of the 2020s years as I didn't include special songs in the past most likely, all depending on my mood Scores: 114~89 = 7 88~71 = 7.5 70~46 = 8 45~29 = 8.5 28~13 = 9 12~2 = 9.5 #1 = 10 -I despise my country so much that I managed to upload two vids in less than 24 hours-
