NARUTO VS SASUKE stick fight!!! #sticknodes #naruto #anime

2021-10-05 3,448 0 143,940 YouTube

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A stick animation reflecting the anime series,BORUTO" .Fan favorite Naruto is possessed by an evil spirit to take over the village. As he is on a rampage Sasuke who is Naruto's best friend appears to stop him. and now they both face off in a devastating battle .who will be the victor? BORUTO was written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto which tells the story of a young ninja called BORUTO who's father is the fan favorite NARUTO from NARUTO SHIPUDDEN. My last video, Naruto VS Avatar was released before this video... click this link to check out... And stickfigures was made by #yurihrq and #RV234YT2. this animation was made with the software called... #sticknodes check it out... shout-out to my role models #micianimations #hyundojocommunity #songokuanims #yurihrq #phelippeanimations #RV23 4YT2 #Cartoon Fight Night #fabianocruz #tournamentshinobi #sticknodesralph #ralph #500 subs special #subsspecial #sticknodespro #animationempire PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE AND SUSCRIBE.
