Reston station - a £20m. white elephant?

2024-11-14 14 0 102 YouTube

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Reston station in the Scottish Borders re-opened in 2022 at a cost of over £20m, and sees between 40 and 80 passengers per day. Does that make it an expensive white elephant? - asked the Herald newspaper recently. I called in on my way past on the A1 to have a look. #railways #train #britishrailways #travel #reston #scottishborders #scotrail #lner #transpennineexpress #scottishrailways is where you can sponsor me with a coffee to help me make more films. Thanks to all my existing sponsors:- Mark Gribbin, Frank Wolthuis, Scott C, Paul Godfrey, John Browne, Ken Harkness, Rocket fox, Carl Hazelden, DarwinMobNT, Alasdair, BalticFraz and two others who remained nameless! The music track on this film is Music Melody by Patrick Patrikios downloaded from the YouTube Studio.
