Ashfaq Ahmed - Talqeen Shah.wmv

2012-05-17 2,537 0 306,930 YouTube

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Artist Ashfaq Ahmed as Talqeen Shah Archived On 20-10-1977 Central Production, Lahore Talqeen Shah was the famous character of Ashfaq Ahmed. In 1962 Ashfaq Ahmed started his famous Radio Programme by the name of Talqeen Shah, which made him very popular amongst the people in towns and villages. The programme was based on social issues which also included the issues of the common person from his/ her daily routine. Different solutions of the problems were also given during this programme in a very humorous way which was easily understood by the people. Even today their is a huge demand of people as they loved the character Talqeen Shah & on the request of people Radio Pakistan has uploaded this rare show of Ashfaq Ahmed as Talqeen Shah.
