What are Rapid Learning Methods? (audio description)

2020-01-29 2 0 171 YouTube

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A version of this video with closed captions can be accessed at https://youtu.be/K5bsTAPyXR4. Methods that aim to speed up the research-to-practice lifecycle, in order to learn about what is and is not working as quickly as possible. Watch this video to learn about rapid learning and our meeting that brought together experts to share knowledge and explore rapid learning approaches. Find additional resources at https://opremethodsmeeting.org/meetings/2018/ ****************************************************** Stay connected to our work Website: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPRE.ACF Twitter: https://twitter.com/OPRE_ACF Newsletter: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=bxgbo4hab&p=oi&m=1108082727649&sit=6tfui4lgb&f=f0ac32d6-a97c-466c-bf3f-9766e5703ded ***************************************************** We accept comments in the spirit of our comment policy: https://www.hhs.gov/web/socialmedia/policies/comment-policy.html
