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Rice Phirni Rakshabandhan Special Phi

How I Made Sweet Rice in iftari on Mud House 😍

Upload : 1 day ago...

2025-03-25 16:32 13,073 Youtube

Flying over Rio: A 4K View of Sugarloaf and Christ the Redeemer.

Upload : 5 days ago...

2025-03-21 10:03 488 Youtube

Best Sheer Khurma Eid special|ROSHNI COOKING

Upload : 1 day ago...

2025-03-25 00:38 2,907 Youtube

The BEST Chicken Biryani Recipe! So Flavorful & Easy to Make

Upload : 2 days ago...

2025-03-24 04:17 148 Youtube

चावल की फिरनी | फिरनी बनाने का सबसे आसान तरीका | Rice Phirni - Rakshabandhan Special Phirni

चावल की फिरनी | फिरनी बनाने का सबसे आसान तरीका | Rice Phirni - Rakshabandhan Special Phi...

2020-08-02 04:21 5 Dailymotion

Phirni Recipe—Firni— Rice Pudding—Ramzan & Eid Special Recipe - Fati's Special

Phirni (Firni) - A mouthwatering dessert recipe of many people and is very simple to make. Try this delicious phirni recipe and impress your friends and family...

2020-04-19 03:46 5 Dailymotion

Phirni Recipe—Firni—Perfect Kolkata Mughlai Style Rice Pudding—Ramzan & Eid Special Recipe

if you like this video please do like comment share and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.#ramdan#happycooking#iftarrecipe#ramdan kareem#eidspecial#eidrecipe!!!!!!!!!!!!...

2020-05-19 06:14 8 Dailymotion

एक नया अंदाज़ मे फिरनी बनाने का तरीका | Phirni Fruit Cups Recipe In Hindi | फिरनी फ्रूट कप्स | Kapil

Phirni Fruit Cups | Fruit Firni | Phirni Fruit Cups In Hindi | Phirni Recipe | Phirni Fruit Cups Recipe In Hindi | फिरनी फ्रूट कप्स...

2022-04-26 09:01 8 Dailymotion

OREO PHIRNI - ओरिओ फिरनी | ओरिओ फिरनी बनाने का सबसे आसान तरीका | Phirni Recipe | Deepu

Learn how to make Eid Special Dessert Recipe 'OREO PHIRNI - ओरिओ फिरनी' with our chef Deepu. शेफ दीपू के साथ जा...

2019-11-18 04:11 1 Dailymotion