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चावल की फिरनी | फिरनी बनाने का सबसे आसान तरीका | Rice Phirni - Rakshabandhan Special Phi...
Phirni (Firni) - A mouthwatering dessert recipe of many people and is very simple to make. Try this delicious phirni recipe and impress your friends and family...
if you like this video please do like comment share and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.#ramdan#happycooking#iftarrecipe#ramdan kareem#eidspecial#eidrecipe!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Phirni Fruit Cups | Fruit Firni | Phirni Fruit Cups In Hindi | Phirni Recipe | Phirni Fruit Cups Recipe In Hindi | फिरनी फ्रूट कप्स...
Learn how to make Eid Special Dessert Recipe 'OREO PHIRNI - ओरिओ फिरनी' with our chef Deepu. शेफ दीपू के साथ जा...