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May is a fancy month, a flower month, The month of buds, the month of scents, the month of colors, The month of poplars, marrons, plantanes, Azaleas, tree peoni...
Left on the beach Full of water A worn out boat Reflects the white sky -- Of early autumn. Swifter than hail Lighter than a feather, A vague sorrow Crossed my ...
I am sick today, sick in my body, eyes wide open, silent, I lie on the bed of childbirth. Why do I, so used to the nearness of death, to pain and blood an...
Blach hair Tangled in a thousand strands. Tangled my hair and Tangled my tangled memories Of our long nights of love making.Akiko Yosanohttp://www.poemhunter...
Not speaking of the way, Not thinking of what comes after, Not questioning name or fame, Here, loving love, You and I look at each other.Akiko Yosanohttp://...