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Aptera Update Major Announcement

Aptera Update — Major Announcement

We have engaged with US Capital to fund our production plan and are ending the crowdfunding campaign. The last day to invest in Aptera's Regulation A offering w...

2024-06-06 06:21 119,078 Youtube

Aptera Update — June 2024

Invest in Aptera: Learn about Aptera Solar: This month, we made significant progress on o...

2024-06-27 05:58 35,156 Youtube

Aptera — Updates


1970-01-01 00:00 0 Youtube


1970-01-01 00:00 0 Youtube

Aptera Update — March 2024

Invest in a future where every journey is powered by the sun: Aptera's first production body is here. This marks a significant step f...

2024-04-06 04:28 99,888 Youtube



2018-01-29 01:39 0 Dailymotion

T! Major Announcements & Channel Update


2017-05-30 01:29 0 Dailymotion

WE'REANT! Major Announcements & Channel Update


2017-04-05 00:52 369 Dailymotion

WE'RE PREGNANT! Major Announcements & Channel Update


2017-06-23 00:28 0 Dailymotion