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Asking these people about hoisting a flag is an insult to the tricolor, said Sushil Pandit....
Exploring the landscape of female participation in the Malaysian labour workforce, we asked people to guess the rates! Did you know the answers? Let's talk furt...
Test your geography skills with our fun and challenging "Guess the Country by Flag" quiz! Can you name all the countries just by looking at their flags? This q...
Omicron variant: WHO asks countries to conduct genome sequencing of infected people | TV9News | D3#Omicron #OmicronVariant #COVID19Tv9 ગુજરાતીન...
A 34-year-old woman asked people online to guess her age - and was told she looked in her 60s.Kate Winney, who posed the question on TikTok, was even told all w...