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Burning Lycopodium Powder

Burning Lycopodium Powder

Upload : 10 years ago...

2015-03-16 00:06 256 Youtube

EpicScience - Burning Lycopodium Powder

Upload : 6 years ago...

2019-03-16 02:53 1,829 Youtube

Burning lycopodium powder in air (Dragon's breath)

Upload : 13 years ago...

2012-03-16 00:33 2,007 Youtube

Fire balls and explosions using fine powders

Upload : 7 years ago...

2018-03-16 04:08 1,335 Youtube

Burning lycopodium powder

Upload : 18 years ago...

2007-03-16 00:03 6,254 Youtube

Scientist Shows Off Unusual Properties of Lycopodium Powder

Steve Mould is the sort of scientist who knows how to make learning fun. In this video, he’s showing off some of the interesting properties of lycopod...

2016-09-09 02:07 54 Dailymotion

The Plentiful Uses Of Lycopodium Spore Powder In The Chemical Industry

Lycopodium Spore Powder is the genus of club mosses,it is member of the family of fern-allies. There are multiple uses of lycopodium spore powder in various ind...

2014-04-25 01:28 45 Dailymotion

Homéopathie - Lycopodium clavatum


2021-05-28 03:52 44 Dailymotion

La poudre de lycopodium


2023-09-17 01:18 4 Dailymotion

THE COUNTRYSIDE | Chemical powder dropped on burning oil tanker

THE COUNTRYSIDE | Chemical powder dropped on burning oil tanker...

2020-09-09 00:28 2 Dailymotion