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#Odisha #Coronavirus #CoronaUpdate #Covid19 #Covid #ActiveCases #Deaths #OTVNewsA day after recording a marginal drop in new positive cases, Odisha once again w...
#Coronavirus #Odisha #Covid19 #Covid #Corona #ActiveCases #OTVNewsIn another big spike, Odisha recorded massive 3664 positive cases of coronavirus in the last 2...
With the detection of as many as 11108 Covid positive cases in Odisha in the last 24 hours, the state's cumulative caseload rose to 679530 on Saturday. The stat...
#Coronavirus #Odisha #India #Covid19 #ActiveCases #OTVNewsWith 152879 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, India registered the highest single-day spike in ...
#Odisha #Coronavirus #CoronaUpdate #Covid19 #Covid #ActiveCases #Deaths #OTVNewsWith the detection of as many as 11108 Covid positive cases in Odisha in the las...