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Do We Really Use Only 10 Of Our Brains

Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brains?

Most people have heard the myth, recently revived by the new movie 'Lucy,' that we only use 10% of our brains, but is it true? Patrick Jones (@Patrick_E_Jones) ...

2014-07-28 01:49 99 Dailymotion

Why Do People Believe We Only Use 10 Percent Of Our Brains?

The new sci-fi thriller "Lucy" is making people question whether we really use all our brainpower. But, as scientists have insisted for years, we do....

2014-07-24 02:18 171 Dailymotion

Why Do People Believe We Only Use 10 Percent Of Our Brains?

The new sci-fi thriller "Lucy" is making people question whether we really use all our brainpower. But, as scientists have insisted for years, we do.Credit/Sour...

2015-02-19 02:18 5 Dailymotion

What If We Used the Full Capacity of Our Brains?


2020-08-13 03:53 5 Dailymotion