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Donald Trump Blames Press And Joe Biden

Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s autopen drama, explained

Upload : 23 hours ago...

2025-03-17 03:49 18,613 Youtube

Harald Schmidt über Donald Trump @bayerischerrundfunk

Upload : 3 days ago...

2025-03-15 01:00 77,256 Youtube

Wird Donald Trump morgen den Krieg mit Putin beenden? - Mit Gerald Grosz

Upload : 1 day ago...

2025-03-17 08:34 18,359 Youtube

Donald Trump blames press and Joe Biden over Portland violence

Donald Trump blames press and Joe Biden over Portland violence...

2020-09-02 07:05 334 Dailymotion

Donald Trump blames Joe Biden for 'unacceptable' Taliban surge in Afghanistan

Former American president Donald Trump on Thursday joined growing criticism of President Joe Biden’s handling of the situation in Afghanistan, saying the with...

2021-08-13 01:29 45 Dailymotion


La Cometa dell'Imperatore link

2023-09-13 08:14 5 Dailymotion

Joe Biden perballe Donald Trump?

Votat e afro-amerikanëve e kanë nxjerrë fitues Joe Biden në rradhët e demokratëve si kandidatin për president në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës. Tash...

2020-03-02 01:09 5 Dailymotion