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Check out my new partner The Gaming Enthusiast:http://www.gamingenthusiast.net/Check out stone age gamer for great retro gaming deals:http://stoneagegamer.comFo...
3_KILLA_BYTES can't help but notice their own BFG's in this dark and gloomy review of DOOM 3: BFG EDITION. Find out after all these years if DOOM 3 still has wh...
This review was made possible by the people over at Gamersgate.com and G2PO.com please show your support to them for just being awesome.Well it was so hard to r...
This is an unbiased video review of Doom 3 BFG Edition for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. This game was developed by id Software (http://www.idsoftware.com/) & publi...
take a trip down the memory lane.the game that changed the gaming world....