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Dr Mitch Rosenthal On Teen Drug Overdose

Braunes Fettgewebe neue Wunderwaffe: So verbrennst Du mehr Kalorien!

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2025-03-10 15:42 49,594 Youtube

Ekel-Diagnose: Wann wird Nasenschleim ein Fall für den Arzt?

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2025-03-18 01:16 26 Youtube

Why are more people eating gluten-free?

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2025-03-14 00:59 442 Youtube

Ist rotes Fleisch wirklich krebserregend?

Upload : 13 hours ago...

2025-03-19 01:04 936 Youtube

Dr. Vimal Lala's Take on Michael Jackson's Drug Overdose

Watch Dr. Vimal Lala Live on Larry King Show discussing the possible drug overdose of Michael Jackson that Dr. Murray purportedly gave him in the last hours of ...

2015-07-21 04:23 47 Dailymotion

Teen Drug Addiction Dr. Explains Teen Drug Abuse Treatment Teen drug addiction Doctor Elhabashy tells parents a drug abuse treatment center with a MD on site like Good Future Teen Reha...

2013-09-27 01:23 146 Dailymotion

Dr Specialist in Teen Drug Addiction Intervention Dual Diagnosis Explains Teen Drug Abuse Dr Specialist in teen drug addiction, intervention, dual diagnosis, explains why kids in NJ, NY, CT,FL need teen drug abuse c...

2013-09-27 01:19 22 Dailymotion

US teen drug overdose deaths have increased by 19% after years of decline

Teen drug overdose deaths in the US have increased by 19%. After years of decline, teen deaths from drug overdoses climbed from 3.1 deaths per 100,000 teens in ...

2017-08-16 00:43 1 Dailymotion

Demi Lovato Reflects Back on Her First Year Since Her Drug Overdose at The Teen Vogue Summit 2019

"I think it's been a very introspective year for me. I've learned a lot, been through a lot," she said, adding that those difficult times have caused her to lov...

2019-11-04 03:01 10 Dailymotion