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Earl Burtnett and his Biltimore Hotel Orchestra-Skirts-radio broadcast....
Earl Burtnett and his Biltimore Hotel Orchestra-Them There Eyes-radio broadcast....
Low Down Rhythm-Earl Burtnett and his Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Orchestra on Bruns.4376,recorded in Los Angeles on May 11-1929.Vocal by June Pursell.From the "...
Love Boat (Brown-Freed) by the Earl Burtnett Los Angeles Biltmore Orchestra on Brunswick 4232.Recorded in Los Angeles Ca. Jan.25-1929.From the musical comedy "...
Gotta Feelin' For You-Earl Burtnett and his Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Orchestra on Bruns.4376.Recorded in L.A. May 11-1929.Vocal by Paul Gibbons and the Biltm...