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Federal Elections

Federal Elections

Upload : 5 years ago...

2020-03-17 02:11 115,721 Youtube

Push To Hold Federal Elections Every Four Years

Upload : 20 hours ago...

2025-03-16 06:30 4,084 Youtube

Anthony Albanese shelves plans for April election, Aussies to go to polls in May

Upload : 1 week ago...

2025-03-08 00:20 8,385 Youtube

Spain general election 2023: 5 things to know

Upload : 1 year ago...

2024-03-17 00:57 3,930 Youtube

The role Quebec plays in Canada's federal elections

Upload : 5 years ago...

2020-03-17 05:31 86,804 Youtube

Canada's Federal Elections

Canadians go to the polls on October 19 in very important national election. The vote is shaping up as a showdown between the Liberals and the party of current...

2015-10-17 01:00 0 Dailymotion

Canada´s Federal Elections

Canadians go to the polls on October 19. The vote is shaping up as a showdown between the centrist Liberals and the party of right-wing Prime Minister Stephen H...

2015-10-17 01:00 1 Dailymotion

Canadian Federal Elections: Drew Garvie

Canada will be holding elections on October 21st, as Trudeau's Liberals attempt to hold onto their seats, threatened by the NDP's Jagmeet Singh, right-wing rhet...

2019-10-07 08:13 13 Dailymotion

Federal National Council Elections Day 2


2021-03-10 01:09 6 Dailymotion

Canadian federal election 2019

Canadians are heading to the polls on Monday to elect a new federal government. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in a tight-race to keep his position.Who will b...

2019-10-21 03:11 51 Dailymotion

Webinar: Lessons Learned from the 2012 Election

Training for Wisconsin County and Municipal Clerks....

2013-01-10 00:46 0 Vimeo

Elections in GTA: Is Brampton-Springdale Turning from Red to Blue?

From red (Liberal) to blue (Conservative). The riding of Brampton-Springdale in northwest Toronto may be poised for change as its representative, MP Ruby Dhalla...

2011-04-17 02:36 0 Vimeo

Fairvote Canada Press Conference on Parliament Hill, Sept. 19, 2013 advocating Proportional Representation

This press conference in the parliament hill press gallery announced that Fairvote Canada now has 25000 signatures on their petition requesting a study and cons...

2013-09-20 22:37 0 Vimeo