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Chinese firefighters have rescued a boy who got his head stuck between some bannisters in Xiamen, Fujian Province.Footage of the incident on September 21 showed...
A video has emerged from China of firefighters setting a three-year-old boy free after his head got suck in between the railings of a staircase.The video, filme...
Footage has emerged from China of firefighters rescuing a three-year-old boy with his head stuck in the sun roof of a car.The video, captured in Suzhou, Jiangsu...
Footage, from China, of firefighters rescuing a boy with his head stuck between two stone pillars. The video, captured in Qianjiang, Fujian Province last Sunday...
Footage has emerged from China of firefighters rescuing a seven-year-old boy after he got his head stuck between railings.In the video, captured in Xiaogan, cen...