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Fixing EVERY Bad Pokemon Gens 1 9

Fixing One-Off Pokémon Evolution Items

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-18 11:25 25,078 Youtube

691 - A NEW WAY to Shiny Hunt the elusive Shiny Manaphy (I got it, too!!!)

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-17 33:55 64,491 Youtube

Creating CUSTOM POKÉMON for YOU! (Short Episode 101)

Upload : 6 hours ago...

2024-12-26 00:58 96,098 Youtube

Fixing EVERY Bad Pokemon (Gens 1-9)

Upload : 3 days ago...

2024-12-23 36:47 82,754 Youtube

TOP Tier EVERY Generation?! - History Of Starmie in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 1-6)

STARMIE! The Gen 1 Speedy Special Attacker! Also its a starfish so thats cool I guess. How good was Starmie ually in competitive play for both singles and doubl...

2017-10-16 08:18 1 Dailymotion

WORLD RECORD Drawing Every Pokémon Mega XY Evolutions 1 All Starters Gen 1 to Gen 8

Charizard,Blastoise,Venusaur,Pokemon pre evolution,pre-evolution,Pokemon,Pokemon Fusion,Pokémon,pokemon,pokemon fusion,nitendo,pokemon mega evolution,future p...

2021-07-02 09:41 156 Dailymotion

Bad news from Pakistan, Death of 1 woman in every 9, know why? | OneIndia News

One in every nine women in Pakistan suffers from breast cancer, and the death rate from this disease is the highest in Pakistan than in any other part of the wo...

2019-11-26 01:52 151 Dailymotion

How To Evolve All Pokémon All Generations 1-7

All Pokémon evolutions so far. Learn how to evolve every single Pokémon. With all evolution lines in all generations [1 to 7]. All 802 Pokémon and their evol...

2018-01-20 13:21 36 Dailymotion

Psychic Type Pokemon - Evolution Lines

The list in this video includes evolution lines of various psychic type pokemon. The list also includes which psychic type pokemon is from which generation. Var...

2022-10-31 03:21 3 Dailymotion