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George Meredith Modern Love III: This Wa

“Modern Love, I”, George Meredith

George Meredith’s poem “Modern Love, I” is the first in a sequence of 50 sonnets that were first published in 1862 as part of Meredith’s volume “Moder...

2023-07-06 01:55 331 Youtube

Modern Love: XXX By George Meredith | Powerful Life Poetry

Please Subscribe For More Poetry And Quote Videos Modern Love (1862) is on the face of it, a Nature poem; the impulse behind it is obviously private, and its f...

2022-07-06 02:26 287 Youtube

Sonnet 17 from Modern Love by George Meredith

Sonnet 17 from George Meredith's sequence, 'Modern Love' Performed for Live Canon by Iain Batchelor

2023-07-06 01:19 213 Youtube

George Meredith, Modern Love, Sonnet 16

George Meredith, Modern Love, Sonnet 16 In our old shipwrecked days there was an hour, When in the firelight steadily aglow, Joined slackly, we beheld the red ...

2019-07-06 00:44 108 Youtube

George Meredith, Modern Love, Sonnet 14

George Meredith, Modern Love, Sonnet 14 What soul would bargain for a cure that brings Contempt the nobler agony to kill? Rather let me bear on the bitter ill,...

2019-07-06 00:41 12 Youtube

George Meredith - Modern Love III: This Was the Woman

This was the woman; what now of the man? But pass him. If he comes beneath a heel, He shall be crushed until he cannot feel, Or, being callous, haply till he...

2014-11-07 01:09 16 Dailymotion

George Meredith - Modern Love XXXI: This Golden Head

This golden head has wit in it. I live Again, and a far higher life, near her. Some women like a young philosopher; Perchance because he is diminutive. For ...

2014-11-07 01:07 46 Dailymotion

George Meredith - Modern Love: XXVI

Love ere he bleeds, an eagle in high skies, Has earth beneath his wings: from reddened eve He views the rosy dawn. In vain they weave The fatal web ...

2014-11-07 01:02 1 Dailymotion

George Meredith - Modern Love: XX

I am not of those miserable males Who sniff at vice and, daring not to snap, Do therefore hope for heaven. I take the hap Of all my deeds. The wind ...

2014-11-07 01:06 20 Dailymotion

George Meredith - Modern Love: I

By this he knew she wept with waking eyes: That, at his hand's light quiver by her head, The strange low sobs that shook their common bed Were calle...

2014-11-07 01:05 18 Dailymotion