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Butterfly Flying by Flying as high As the blue sky Makes me cry Asking why Why can't I Fly high Like a butterfly As hard as I Try to fly I can't fly high Like...
You gave me dignity I flew high I used to live In blue sky Now on the ground Unable to fly Too dry my eyes To shed tears To cry Only I say My lover Take care An...
Run as far as you want Swim as deep as you can Fly as high as you like Go wherever you will go Leave but don't say goodbye... 10th June 2009Jazlle D. H.http:/...
Embrace the darkness fall tonight Love that's pure Out of sight Say goodbye fly so high Though you're dying learn to fight Catch a star warm yourself Survive th...
Sawa Lakh Full HD Video Song Tariq Khan - Fly High - Arbaz Khan - Latest Punjabi Songs 2017 Song: Sawa Lakh Singer: Tariq Khan feat. Fly High Video Director: A...