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Google a officiellement lancé Google Keep, un bloc-notes moderne et connecté. Suffisant pour battre Evernote, Wunderlist et ses amis?...
Google Keep introducing video from the new Evernote-like Google Service....
★Like the video? Subscribe! http://bit.ly/TGameNTech★Google just released Google Keep, which is it's version of a note taking app. Within Google Keep you ca...
Google lance son "bloc note" en ligne, sous le nom de GoogleKeep. Disponible sous Chrome et Android (attention, il nécessite au minimum la version 4.0.3). Pas ...
Google Keep è qui. Il blocco note di Google è semplice da usare, sincronizzato online, colorato e intuitivo. Basterà per spazzare via Evernote, Wunderlist e...