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Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has defeated Indian-origin former chancellor Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party leadership race to become the new British Prime M...
Liz Truss was named as the UK's next Prime Minister today, winning an internal leadership contest of the ruling Conservative party at a time when the country fa...
బ్రిటన్ కొత్త ప్రధానిగా రిషి సునక్ను ఓడించిన లిజ్ ట్రస్ | V6 ...
The United Kingdom is currently facing a verybad political crisis. It has witnessed its 3rd primeminister, Rishi Sunak, who's of Indian Origintaking oath after ...
El nuevo primer ministro de #ReinoUnido, #RishiSunak, advirtió que deberá tomar decisiones difíciles para corregir los errores cometidos bajo el breve mandat...